Sunday, February 26, 2023

A Kitten's Charm


In a world of wonder and fun, 

a kitten plays under the sun,

 with paws so soft and eyes so bright, 

her energy never seems to take flight.

She chases after a ball of string, 

and leaps and tumbles like a playful thing,

 her whiskers twitch with pure delight, 

as she frolics in the soft daylight.

Her fur is like a velvety cloud, 

her purrs like music, sweet and loud, 

and when she curls up for a nap,

 she looks like a little, furry sap.

Oh, how precious and dear is this little kitten playing here,

 her innocence and joy so pure,

 a reminder of life's beauty, for sure.

So let us take a moment to play, 

to enjoy the beauty of each day, 

just like this kitten, with heart so light,

 let us bask in the warmth of life's sweet light.

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