Kittens and Cats are Perfect Pets. They are loving, devoted, clean, and companionable. As well as those attributes cats will keep your place of residence free from rodents. A truly wonderful animal that has been mans friend for centuries.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Madison (Dog) and Purple (Kitten)
Here are some of the wonderful foster animals that passed my way. These are 5 two pound kittens playing with my 25 pound Madison. Kittens are finally getting confident enough to play with Madison. Purple is especially brave and demanding of play
Day In The Life of Cute Kittens (Louie & Leo) - Play, Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Meet Leo and Louie, adorably sweet tabby domestic shorthairs! Let them take you through a typical day in the life of cute and furry little kittens! First, some careful window observation time. One can never be too careful of their surroundings...ooh a fly! Next, play time with their favorite toys. Watch Louie pounce on his mouse! They are both excellent at catching fish; that blue one never stood a chance, Leo. On to lunch time, Leo and Louie’s favorite! Time to chow down followed by a quick clean up and then… ahhhh… finally a little cozy cat nap in the sun!
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Cute Kitty, Funny Kittens playing. I love cats they are so Cute. Training Cats?
Cute kittens Playing with my son.. Baby Kittens having fun. I love cats.Animal lovers will love to see my son think he is training these kittens. Baby Kitty is so cute and fun..
cute cat kittens playing key
Two cute kittens (cats) playing motorcycle key, with cute face and cute behaviour