Monday, August 3, 2015

The Cat Whisper

A cat whisper is somewhat similar to a dog or horse whisperer, although cat whisperers relate quite well with cats. These types of people are unusually lucky and very successfully with cats. In most cases, a cat will be abandoned or just show up at someone’s door. In this event, the cat will adopt this individual as the cat whisperer. Often times, alley cats and black cats will show up at someone’s door and decide to move into their homes. This can be a result of abandonment, or the cat’s family moving away and simply leaving the cat behind. Sometimes, the cat may decide that he likes someone else’s home better and decide to move there instead of staying with his owner.

A lot of people will tell you that a cat whisperer can be thought of as a therapist for cats. Almost all cat whisperers haven’t have any type of training, what they know just seems to come to them naturally. These types of people understand the way a cat thinks and knows how to work with the cat to achieve the results they want. Even though many think of a cat whisperer as a therapist, it actually couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats who have been abused or mistreated, often times won’t respond to anyone but a cat whisperer. Although others may have tried to help the cat, it will only make matters worse by making the cat feel scared and afraid. In most cases, these cats will end up in a pound. This is very tragic, as the cats have already endured more than they ever should have. A majority of the cats who have been abused were once loved pets. Along the way, they were abandoned, mistreated, attacked by dogs, and in some cases tortured.

Cats who have been treated unfairly often times won’t trust anyone. They are often times confused, in a lot of pain, and not sure what they should do. Like humans, cats feel pain. Those that have been physically abused are a sad sight indeed. Emotionally damaged cats may appear to be in perfect health on the outside, although their emotions are a wreck. Emotionally abused cats are much harder to get through to, especially if they were stray cats to begin with. Cat whisperers on the other hand, can communicate with physically and emotionally abused cats.

 Cats know who they will choose to be their cat whisperer, which is normally an individual they sense trust with. Cat whisperers are common with cats, although most people have never heard of them before. Even though a cat whisperer may be able to communicate better with cats, it will still take time to heal a cat that has been abused.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cats Bond with Their Owners

There are a lot of experts out there who say that cats are strictly independent animals. These very same experts state that cats have chosen to associate with humans due to their strategy of survival. Although many argue with this statement, there are many who agree as well – although those that agree are normally those in the percentile who don’t agree with cats.

Anyone who has owned a cat will tell you that cats are great at bonding with people, although they are very particular. Normally, a cat will choose someone in the home that he bonds with. You’ll know when a cat wants to bond with you, as he will hop on your lap seeking attention or snuggle up to you at night when you are sleeping. Purring is a strong sign of affections, especially with cats that are looking to bond. Although many experts have tried to figure it out, no one really knows why cats choose a particular person whom they will bond with. It could be the individual’s manners, voice, or simply how that person treats the cat. Perhaps it may be the individual is really gentle, or maybe a little more forceful – bringing the best out in the cat.

There are a lot of ways that researchers have tried to take this subject, one of which being psychic. Some say that cats bond with someone due to a “psychic aura” that is compatible with both the person and the cat. If a cat feels that someone is giving them a bad vibe, they will simply ignore that person. Although this can be true to a sense for some, a majority of those who own cats will tell you that this couldn’t be any further from the truth. Even though there are a lot of theories and speculation out there, no one really knows why cats bond with humans.

 There’s little to no proof available as well, other than cats and their natural instinct for physical survival. Those who own cats know that cats crave attention, simply to make them feel needed. They love to be pampered by their owners, and will shower you with attention and affection if you just give them the chance. Those who are new to owning cats may find bonding to be very different.

  Cats are different from other animals, including dogs, in the sense that they bond different. Different breeds of cats will bond different with their owners, although most prefer affection and attention. The more time you spend around your cat, the more he will bond with you. Over the years, you’ll find that the bond you create with your pet has grown very strong – and simply cannot be broken.